
  1. Go to gonex download directory, extract (with zip program) then it’ll create a gonex executable file in the same directory (gonex.exe)

  2. Create new account (wallet)

  • Open command prompt by typing cmd on Run window, then press Enter

  • The command line window display, go to directory that you extracted the Gonex file

  • Enter the following commands in command prompt to create account (wallet)

gonex account new

  • Enter and re-enter the passphrase, then an address will be displayed

  1. Start a node:

./gonex --ethstats "" console

View coinbase address


  1. Start a miner node:

  • Create a text file containing the password you typed above

  • Run node as a sealer

gonex -- ethstats "" -- unlock  "[eth.coinbase]" -- pass
word "Path_Password_File" -- etherbase "[eth.coinbase]" -- mine console


gonex --ethstats "" --unlock  "0x6e17d0d08b7ad8d1c453
009840e34180cbb851c4" --password "C:\Users\Nguyen\Documents
\sealer_password.txt" --etherbase "0x6e17d0d08b7ad8d1c453009840e34180cbb851c4" --mine console
  • Run node as a service

Open command prompt, type:

sc create gonex binPath="Path-To-Gonex\gonex.exe"


sc create gonex binPath="C:\Program Files\Gonex\gonex.exe"

In cmd, type:


A service with the name “gonex” should appear on the list Click on “gonex”, then enter the Run node as a sealer code in “Start parameters”, then click “Okay” to confirm.